The AIIM Blog

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Blog Feature

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  |  Privacy

Could a Mobile App Help Contain COVID-19? Balancing Privacy Rights & Public Interest

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to accelerate, there are some innovative efforts to minimize its impact. In one such approach, a multidisciplinary group of computer scientists, mathematicians, and epidemiologists at the Big Data Institute at Oxford University have developed a mathematical model instantiated in a mobile application that traces contact. Those involved in the project believe it's "..possible to stop the epidemic…if contact tracing is sufficiently fast, sufficiently efficient, and happens at scale." Typically, contact tracing is the most effective way to contain an outbreak. However, with a virus like COVID-19, that's preponderantly transmitted by asymptomatic patients, "classical contact tracing will not be enough to achieve the speed and efficiency needed, but it could be achieved by a contact tracing mobile app if used by a sufficiently large proportion of the population."

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Blog Feature

Capture and Imaging  |  Digital Transformation

How Do I Tame My Information Chaos? 3 Ways to Address it Head-On

Before we get into how to tame your Information Chaos, let’s take a step back and look at WHY so many of us are experiencing it. These days, business information can come from anywhere, anytime, and in any form. Match this up with a growing volume and variety of the information we’re creating, and you can see how it can quickly get out of hand and become unmanageable without some strategies in place.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

Blog Feature

AIIM Community

AIIM vs. ARMA: An Honest Comparison of Membership

I regularly get asked questions about AIIM and ARMA – which one’s “better,” which one’s the right one, what’s the difference, etc. I've been a dues paying member of both since 2001 – August 2001 for AIIM, September 2001 for ARMA. I've also served on both organizations’ Board of Directors (2004-2005 for AIIM, 2007-2010 for ARMA). I have thoughts on both and will compare them in several key areas, including: Focus Types of Membership Cost of Membership Benefits Chapters and Local Events Number of Members Before we get started, in the interest of total transparency, I serve as AIIM's VP of Training and Certification. With that in mind, our goal with this article is to be unbiased and provide those considering membership with the facts needed to make a decision.

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Blog Feature

AIIM on Air  |  Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

[Podcast] The Universal Translator – Not Just for Star Trek Anymore

The show Star Trek always had the coolest futuristic technology. For example, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished I could tell Scotty to “Beam me up!” and be teleported back home. Another thing that really caught my eye on that show was their “universal translator.” It was basically this handheld device that allowed you to easily communicate across any language – be it human or alien!

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Blog Feature

Digital Transformation  |  Paperless Office

The First Step to Effective Working from Home: Digitize your Paper Documents

Many of us find ourselves working from home – often rather suddenly and unexpectedly. Organizations of all sizes and in all industries are now in the position of figuring out how to ensure that the business of the business continues while staff stay home and practice effective social distancing. The good news is that the technology needed for effective working from home exists and is generally mature – though some providers have found that the sudden surge in volume can cause issues with particular solutions or capabilities.

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Blog Feature

Digital Transformation  |  Paperless Office

New to Remote Working? Tapping Into 6+ Years of Tips for Working from Home

For many across the globe, limiting their human contact, the home has become…well, home base for just about everything. Folks are taking advantage of virtual meeting software like GoToMeeting and Zoom to video chat with friends, host virtual dinner parties, and even play board games! And that’s just in our personal lives. In our work lives, companies are piecing together Digital Workplace strategies to allow their employees to work from home. Today, workers everywhere are booting up their laptops at kitchen tables and temporary home offices – many for the very first time. And with this change comes some new challenges like – deciding where in your home you should work from, how to deal with the new distractions, and more. Here at AIIM, remote working has been a priority of ours for many years now, and our staff has experienced it all when it comes to working from home. So, we thought we’d gather our best WFH tips for those newly remote workers.

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