The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
AIIM Conference | AIIM on Air | Change Management
In 1936, Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" first published. Since then, it's become one of the best-selling books of all time with over 15 million copies sold! What makes this self-help book one of the most influential of our time?
This is perhaps one of the most-asked questions in all of records management. Too often I hear one of two, equally bad answers: Keep Records for Seven years: This seems to be the de facto answer, especially for financial services records. As near as I can tell, this comes from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service rules around when they can audit individual and corporate tax returns. If you've heard another original story for why we should keep all records for seven years, please share, and I'll update this post. Keep Records Forever: This generally is presented as one of four arguments: Just in case we get sued (or for some other legal reason) There's gold in them thar records! Analytics! AI! BIG DATA!!! Storage is cheap, figuring out what we can get rid of is not. Storage is cheap, penalties for getting rid of records inappropriately aren't.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
The AIIM Conference is fast-approaching and whether you’ve already secured your ticket, still trying to convince your boss to send you, or just can’t attend this year - we have something for everyone on this latest episode of The AIIM on Air Podcast.
AIIM Conference | Change Management
Enacting change is easier when you don’t have to go at it alone. In fact, a major factor in the success of organizational change comes down to internal buy-in with your co-workers. The more internal advocates you have on your side, the easier that positive change can spread quickly and efficiently. The old adage about there being ‘strength in numbers’ holds true when it comes to change management.
AIIM Conference | Electronic Records Management (ERM)
The success of any project relies on involving stakeholders early on and keeping them properly informed throughout. A systems development project is no different. If you want the systems that you build, buy, and develop to properly manage information assets across the life cycle, then you have to leverage the knowledge of your RIM team.
In today's digital era of information technology, a company needs to consider several factors to decide how to manage their data and documents online. A large share of companies have now adopted cloud-based infrastructure, but many still rely on the tried-and-true legacy of on-premises document management software programs. If you, too, are in a dilemma as to which solution is right for your business, stick around as here is a detailed comparison between cloud and on-premises document solutions.