The AIIM Blog

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)  |  Information Security  |  Privacy

Regulation of AI-Based Applications: The Inevitable New Frontier

According to the 2019 IDC study of spending on Artificial Intelligence (AI), it's estimated to reach $35.8 billion in 2019 and is expected to double by 2022 to $ 79.2 billion representing an annual growth rate of 38% for the period 2018-2022. The economic benefits and utility of AI technologies are clear and compelling. No doubt, applications of AI may address some of the most vexing social challenges such as health, the environment, economic empowerment, education, and infrastructure. At the same time, as AI technologies become more pervasive, they may be misused and, in the absence of increased transparency and proactive disclosures, create ethical and legal gaps. Increased regulation may be the only way to address such gaps.

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GDPR  |  Information Security  |  Privacy

Mitigating Third Party Risks Under GDPR

One of the most vexing problems for organizations is mitigating GDPR compliance risks when dealing with third parties, particularly the nature and extent of obligations between data controllers and processors. By virtue of the GDPR accountability principle, organizations are required to adhere to the six fundamental principles of safeguarding privacy rights that impact the collection, processing and disposition of personally identifiable information. These obligations extend beyond the walls of an organization to third parties that process personally identifiable information. Also, GDPR provides for a broad definition of processing and imposes stringent requirements on organizations that engage third parties to process personally identifiable information.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

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Information Security

Start 2019 on the Right Foot With These Tips

In today's digital world, the chance of information-related security breaches is high. Is your company's data security plan up to date and bullet proof?

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Information Security  |  Internet of Things (IoT)

Why Cybersecurity Will Save the Internet of Things

IoT, or the Internet of Things, is a grand ambition of the most influential kind. It is a unified goal that seeks to create an internet age of unity and equality that we may not ever see in any other industry. In this article, we will explain why cybersecurity will save IoT and let us progress well into the future with greatly reduced hazard.

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Blog Feature

GDPR  |  Information Security  |  Privacy

Strengthening Privacy Rights with Privacy Enhancing Technologies

More rigorous privacy regulations such as the EU GDPR and a number of US privacy initiatives such as the recently ratified California Consumer Privacy Act impose higher standards on data controllers and processors to safeguard privacy rights – including data subject consent management, accommodating data subject requests, data portability and more onerous data controller and processor accountability standards.

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Blog Feature

GDPR  |  Information Security  |  Privacy

How Do IIM Technologies Fit into the GDPR Puzzle?

The GDPR’s May 25, 2018 deadline resulted in a mad compliance and security scramble not only for European companies but also for any company doing business in Europe or with European customers.

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