The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
AIIM on Air | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
With the new year just a few weeks away, many have shifted their day-to-day focus to long-term planning and prioritizing their efforts for 2020. For most, it’s likely that the new year will bring with it new technology and innovation. But, with all the developments in technology and changes in process and workflow these days, it can be difficult to translate innovation into real improvements for your organization.
AIIM on Air | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
Quick disclaimer - if you stumbled onto this page because of an errant keystroke like I had when looking for a suitable image for this post and were actually looking for "The Best PodCATS"...without further ado, I bring you the best "podcat" I could find: But, if what you're really interested in learning about are the best podcasts on the topic of information management; then, you're in the right place. Since it's release, the AIIM On Air podcast has had over half a million downloads, averaging around 10,000 downloads per month. We work hard to deliver these 25-minute episodes exploring the methods, technologies, processes, and people on the front lines of information management. But, despite putting out two new episodes per month, we still get people asking for more. So, for those podcast bingers out there looking for more, we thought we would put a list together of our favorite information management podcasts to help keep your ears happy on your commute, at the gym, or anywhere else you listen to them. (*Note: To keep it neutral, we're using the listener ratings on Apple Podcasts.)
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
I returned to downtown Washington, DC, last week to teach the AIIM Foundations of Intelligent Information Management (FIIM) course. The class started with some icebreaker exercises, including asking the students to define, in their own words, “What is information management?” There were some fantastic definitions generated from the students for this and other discussion questions throughout the course. However, there was one question that kept coming up over and over again during the course, "Where should information management live in the organization?"
AIIM Community | AIIM on Air | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
On this episode of the AIIM on Air Podcast, you host Kevin Craine continues the “I Am AIIM” interview series with a look at Intelligent Information Management (IIM) in the Transportation industry. What are the challenges and opportunities with IIM in this industry? To find out, Kevin met up with two AIIM Members coming from completely different perspectives of the industry – public sector and private sector.
AIIM Community | AIIM on Air | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
On this episode of the AIIM on Air Podcast, your host Kevin Craine dives into the world of Intelligent Information Management in the Utilities Industry continuing the series of “I Am AIIM” member interviews. Kevin chats with two AIIM members from the Utilities Industry – Joanna Hammerschmidt, an Information Management Coordinator at a public water utility in Kansas City and John Daly, an Information Governance Manager for the Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District.
Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
Everyone has a process for onboarding new hires, contractors, consultants, etc. There's a checklist to follow: issue the badge, issue the keys to the office and the parking garage, and of course set up the Active Directory account, the email account, and all the other information management system set-up tasks.