The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Information Governance | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
Every so often, IIM practitioners and lawyers cross paths. One such intersection is around policy writing. As practitioners modify and improve their IIM policies, it's important to keep in mind how those policies specifically relate to the law. Understanding that relationship better will help IIM and legal specialists work together more effectively.
Information Governance | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
Too often, I hear IIM professionals complain about this issue. "People aren't reading our IIM policy," they say. "I wish our organization forced everybody to read the policy. That way they would know what the IIM requirements are." My response is always the same: Given the choice, 99% of the people in your organization will never read your IIM policy. Get used to it. That is not going to change. It's not a bad thing.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Information Governance | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
As important as Intelligent Information Management (IIM) policy writing is, it's probably not the only dish you have cooking on the stove. It's important, therefore, not to let that process commandeer more time from your day than it has to. The best way to do that is to keep your IIM policies lean.
Digital Transformation | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
Like many other areas around the country and around the world, my daughter's school has joined the "learn from home" movement. I've been a teleworker for nearly 16 years, so we already have the technology infrastructure required, including an older but still useful laptop and fairly robust Wi-Fi. But it's come with more than a few challenges, some of which are the same types of information management challenges we all struggle with at times in the world of business. The back story: On March 16th, my daughter's school made the decision to have all the kids work from home for at least the next two weeks. At least one parent for each family had to go into the school that day to get set up on Google Classroom, have expectations set about attendance and performance, clean out lockers so they could be deep-cleaned, and pick up homework.
AIIM on Air | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
The show Star Trek always had the coolest futuristic technology. For example, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished I could tell Scotty to “Beam me up!” and be teleported back home. Another thing that really caught my eye on that show was their “universal translator.” It was basically this handheld device that allowed you to easily communicate across any language – be it human or alien!
AIIM on Air | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
2019 was a great year. We said goodbye to some of our favorite tv shows like Game of Thrones and The Big Bang Theory, cheered as the US Women’s Soccer team won the world cup, and who could forget (insert YOUR favorite 2019 memory here).