Information Management Blog

The AIIM Blog

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Information Governance  |  Retention

How to Achieve Victory Over ROT

Most IT managers weren’t born yesterday. They know that a certain percentage of the data they painstakingly retain and curate is useless. But 70%? The content retained by most organizations falls into three categories: records, operational information, and data that is redundant, outdated, or trivial (ROT). Records are vital and must be retained and protected. Operational data is what is needed for the day-to-day running of your organization. And ROT is the rest.

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Blog Feature

Archiving  |  Digital Transformation  |  Intelligent Information Management (IIM)  |  Retention

Wrestling with the Paper Mountain: A Real-World Information Challenge

Discovering What We Actually Have At The Salvation Army Australia, we're facing what I call the "Paper Mountain" - we have this paper mountain, and we don't know what's in most of it. We don't know whether it helps us, whether it hurts us. We know it costs us money every year to store it, but we don't know what's in it.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

Blog Feature

Information Governance  |  Retention

Information Governance: It’s What you Retain that Matters

It’s funny how corporate leaders get serious about information governance right after their company has been hit with a lawsuit or regulatory action. OK, it’s not funny at all. But that’s usually when many executives decide it's time to implement information governance and in particular, document retention. We’re here to advise you to not put off having a defensible retention program in place long before any legal action occurs.

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Blog Feature

Electronic Records Management (ERM)  |  Retention

Data Disposition: What is it and why should it be part of your data retention policy?

What happens when information comes to the end of its lifecycle and no longer remains relevant, useful, or valuable? Or, what about when a record’s retention schedule comes to an end? If we keep everything forever, we’ll quickly run into issues like storage costs and other negatives like findability and increased risks. There’s a better way - read on as we explore the importance of Disposition.

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Blog Feature


How Long Should I Keep This Business Record For?

This is perhaps one of the most-asked questions in all of records management. Too often I hear one of two, equally bad answers: Keep Records for Seven years: This seems to be the de facto answer, especially for financial services records. As near as I can tell, this comes from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service rules around when they can audit individual and corporate tax returns. If you've heard another original story for why we should keep all records for seven years, please share, and I'll update this post. Keep Records Forever: This generally is presented as one of four arguments: Just in case we get sued (or for some other legal reason) There's gold in them thar records! Analytics! AI! BIG DATA!!! Storage is cheap, figuring out what we can get rid of is not. Storage is cheap, penalties for getting rid of records inappropriately aren't.

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Blog Feature


When Pressing Delete Is OK: Learn How to Eliminate ROT in Your Organization

If your organization is like just about every other organization on the planet, you likely have some degree of an information management problem. Most likely, you create too much information, and you keep too much of it for too long. This causes enough problems by itself, but when you then add to the pile all the redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) information you have in your systems, on your file shares, and in every other possible location, it’s a real nightmare. And it’s expensive – in terms of storage costs, in time to find information, in resources, and, sometimes, in fines and legal penalties.

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