The AIIM Blog
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1. It’s safer than you think. When transferring massive amounts of important documents onto virtual servers, security is a common concern. A ‘cloud’ doesn’t sound safe—it sounds like anyone can reach inside and take what they want. People think that since something so intangible can’t be impenetrable, on-site servers are a smaller risk. You can see them, touch them, and put padlocks on them. What could be more secure? Cloud networks, for one. The fact is that their security measures frequently surpass those of traditional corporate infrastructure. Just because you don’t see where your information’s going doesn’t make life in the clouds any more dangerous: virtual servers can be just as safe as physical ones—and often safer.
Enterprise Search is a key part of helping you solve your organization’s biggest information-related problems and plan for its future. In this post, we’ve included five video sessions from AIIM’s Certified Information Professional preparatory series covering everything you need to know about Enterprise Search.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Automation | Document Management
All organizations produce documents, some even hundreds or thousands a day. Information contained in these documents is often vital to business – from producing sales quotations, policy, and procedure documents to employment or legal contracts. While some content in these documents will change, other aspects, such as its structure and how it is formatted, may not. In other words, many documents contain repetitive content that changes little from one document to the next and variable content that must be accurately personalized. Document automation can streamline the creation of the simplest or most complex corporate document, but many companies are confused by how it works. Below are five myths organizations need to think about when considering how they handle document creation.
Two thirds of global companies with annual sales of $1 billion or more are failing to become social enterprises, according to CapGemini Consulting global study released earlier this month. And while businesses are feeling the stinging sense of urgency they must adopt a true social business model if they are to remain relevant, sustainable and profitable, most simply don’t know how to go about it.
Sharepoint and Office 365 | Social Media
When SharePoint 2010 arrived in the marketplace, the platform included new social capabilities to improve productivity and collaboration. However, as the consumer social web exploded, it became clear that the 2010 platform only provided the basic building blocks of social computing. As many organizations are now making social collaboration a priority, it’s important to dispel myths and provide a reality-based understanding of SharePoint 2010 as a social computing platform.
Enterprise 2.0 | Enterprise Content Management (ECM) | Social Media
I recently blogged on the theme The Cool is Back in ECM, reflecting on my attendance at two widely varying industry events, the Box.Net BoxWorks conference, and IBM's Information on Demand. My conclusion, based on my data point of whether my kids had heard of the entertainment (ECM passed the test this year!), is that the Cool is Back in ECM.