The AIIM Blog
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Capture and Imaging | Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
What exactly does it mean to have an “open platform”? The perception is that an open platform has no restrictions or limitations; an open platform is agnostic. Yet reality is that there could be some limitations or restrictions. For example, there are ECM solutions that are built upon a proprietary database and are still considered to be “open”. The reason being they support a specific set of open standards for interoperability and integration. While the concept is sound, and many businesses look to a day where interoperability and integration across the enterprise is achieved, AIIM research finds that only 8% of organizations have accomplished this.
Capture and Imaging | Content Services
Multi-channel next-generation information capture is clearly the least mature of the four core Content Services technologies.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Capture and Imaging | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
For many years, “capture” was somewhat of an afterthought. ...It was something focused primarily on paper documents. ...It was something focused on archiving the document rather than on the extraction of data from the document. ...It was something you did at some point after information entered the organization. ...It was usually done in the context of one particular business process and needed to be customized to that process. There is now clearly a rising tide of information. On average, organizations expect the volume of information coming into their organizations to grow from X to 4.2X over the next two years. To make the problem even more complex, not only is the volume of information increasing geometrically, but also the speed at which it is coming into the organization, the variety of forms and file types this information takes, and the number of entry points.
With a little more than three months left of 2018, many businesses are focusing on what goals they want to achieve in the New Year. While some have talked of digital transformation, there is still an alarming number of workplaces that have yet to embrace digitizing paper documents and processing digital documents fully.
Capture and Imaging | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
In a recent AIIM Industry Watch survey - State of Intelligent Information Management: Getting Ahead of the Digital Transformation Curve - I asked this question: “Agree or Disagree: Digitizing and standardizing business inputs is one of the key bottlenecks for Digital Transformation.” The results are clear: Information chaos needs to be tackled at its origins.
Capture and Imaging | Process Improvement
When I was a young child, in an era when school papers had to be researched in libraries with card catalogs and shelves upon shelves of books, my father had the bright idea to purchase a complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. Now, we lived on a tight budget, and my mother wasn’t too thrilled with this splurge when a perfectly good library was so close to home. Dad wouldn’t hear of it! “Our girls need the best education we can offer,” so of course, mom relented.