The AIIM Blog

Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.

Blog Feature

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  |  Machine Learning

How to Make Machine Learning and AI Accessible and Useful

These days it feels almost impossible to have a conversation with anyone involved in the world of Information Management without bringing up machine learning and artificial intelligence. Everyone is talking about it; everyone has an opinion; everyone claims to be doing it— or at least thinking about doing it. AI is part of the popular zeitgeist, entering our lives in the form of autonomous vehicles on our roads, Alexa in our homes, and a burgeoning AI arms race between rival world powers. Yet despite all the talk, no one really seems to agree on what its real impact will be. In fact, everyone seems to have a different definition of what ‘it’ even is. There are those telling us it’s nothing new, and its potential is over-hyped, while others tell us that AI and Machine Learning will make us all redundant.

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Blog Feature

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  |  Automation

Will Automation Make Us More Human Centric?

Automation in the workplace is already well underway. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that up to 50% of workplace tasks could be fully automated by 2055, if not before. For employees, this can be a daunting concept, as increased automation in professional settings could lead to job loss on a mass scale.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

Blog Feature

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  |  Automation  |  Machine Learning

Automation Is Changing the Way We Work

Artificial intelligence is changing the way we do everything. As we look ahead, self-driving cars, hyper-intelligent predictive software, and self-improving robots seem possible.

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Blog Feature

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence: Huge Opportunity or the Zombie Apocalypse?

What worries us most is often not what actually gets us—that is, causes us our biggest problems. The enormous human capacity for worry can result in productive focus and taking action. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) inspires our imaginations, invokes our worst nightmares, and touches our deepest fears. Near-term, it threatens to take away our jobs and leave us with no way to feed our families.

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