The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Digital Transformation
Digital transformation means reworking business processes to take maximum advantage of data and digital content. Better, faster, and cheaper content management is one goal, but the real payoff is in automating routine tasks including customer interactions. More data and process improvement will, in turn, allow us to do more with our content, to reach new audiences and boost satisfaction and profitability, however you measure it. To get there you need AI -- algorithms, models, and measurement -- and you need to trust that what you've built will do the job reliably and correctly.
AIIM on Air | Artificial Intelligence (AI)
If you take a look around your office, home, or even places like your car you’re sure to see it – Artificial Intelligence. And it’s not just in our personal lives, in the world of business we continue to grow and expand the way we work with the use of automation, smart machines, and more.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is obviously all the rage. Consider the search traffic on “Artificial Intelligence” since early 2016. As a result, just about every technology product in the world now seems to have the artificial intelligence “label” attached to it.
AIIM on Air | Artificial Intelligence (AI)
For me, "Artificial Intelligence" used to conjure up images of the latest Sci-Fi movie or things like the talking car KITT from the 80's TV show Knight Rider. It wasn't until fairly recently that I began to see this shift from Sci-Fi movie topic to business value.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Automation | Document Management
Having your cake and eating it, too, is a proverb that’s almost 500 years old, which means you cannot have two incompatible things at the same time. So many examples of situations exist where you face two mutually exclusive options. Let’s take document capture. Document capture software is designed to automate document-oriented tasks such as sorting or extracting key data. In order to achieve that automation, you must spend time to configure the software to identify documents and reliably locate and extract that data with a high enough degree of accuracy that your staff need only be involved in verifying a small percentage of it.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Automation
Artificial intelligence has the ability to change our lives for the better. Increasingly, businesses are looking to automation to complete tasks in a more cost-effective and efficient manner. Unfortunately, automation may lead to job loss. In fact, the finance, manufacturing, and service industries have already cut jobs due to automation.