The AIIM Blog

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AIIM on Air  |  Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

[Podcast] The Care and Feeding of Bots

There is a lot of excitement and interest in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) these days, and for good reason. Intelligent automation helps improve flexibility, response and service; all distinguishing capabilities in the age of digital transformation. As a result, business owners and executives from all industries are taking notice. According to one AIIM research study, 55% of organizations plan to implement some form of robotic process automation in the next 6-12 months. Over 80% say they plan on automating over the next 1-2 years.

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Blog Feature

Human Resources

Overcoming Information Overload in Human Resources

A Look at Information Overload It’s no secret that organizations today are swamped by information. According to AIIM, organizations expect the amount of information they must manage to increase by 4.5x in the next 18 months. Add to this the massive and immediate shift to remote working in 2020 and the impacts of information overload compound exponentially. It’s hard to avoid information overload nowadays. And the quantity and speed of that information coming at us is often more than we can handle. The impacts are felt in every aspect of doing business today; two-thirds of office workers say that the volume of data they must manage negatively affects their job.

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

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Document Management  |  Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Document Processing Vs. Robotic Process Automation

The Difference Between Intelligent Document Processing and RPA — Or Is There One? For many businesses, content and data capture tools are highly sought out, particularly in the banking and insurance sectors. With so many different types of documents required to operate and adhere to compliances, the need for capturing data accurately and quickly, especially unstructured data, is ever growing. As a result, businesses are looking at sophisticated data capture solutions to achieve this. For a while, the biggest player was intelligent document processing (IDP), which used to be known as “capture.” However, now robotic process automation (RPA) is matching the features IDP tools offer and throwing their hat into the data capture ring.

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Blog Feature


How To Estimate Your Document Automation Potential

Understanding the Key Factors that Affect How Much Document Automation You Can Achieve When the word “automation” is brought up in a conversation, most people think of something that is completely handed over to machines. And that scenario can be true if the tasks involve very straightforward, highly repetitive work with little variance. Think of processes like provisioning an email account for a new employee and you’ll get the idea. When it comes to automation of document tasks, while it is relatively easy to convert paper into images or to make resulting images of documents searchable, it is quite another thing to take unstructured document-based information and comprehensibly convert it into highly reliable, structured, and usable data. All of a sudden, aspects of a project or organization’s requirements that appear to be very straightforward begin to take on more ambiguity when it comes to assessing just how much automation can be achieved.

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Sharepoint and Office 365

Tips for Maximizing Your Sharepoint Investment

With SharePoint now included in Enterprise Microsoft 365 subscriptions, it is now more accessible than ever before. It is tempting for organizations to just jump right in and start setting it up without much forethought. SharePoint, however, is a sophisticated content management system. As a leader in the content management space, it offers a robust set of capabilities. That depth and breadth of functionality works best with considerate planning up front for how you’re going to use it. SharePoint also has deep integrations throughout the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Learning how different services and applications work together can mean the difference between a successful implementation and a stagnant one.

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Blog Feature

Digital Transformation

How Are Remote Work and New Technologies Impacting Information Management?

The shift to remote work has significantly impacted how organizations manage information. We sat down recently with Adam Storch, Vice President of Business Solutions, Micro Strategies, to discuss the effect advancing technology and the move to hybrid workplaces have had on information management.

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