The AIIM Blog

Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.

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AIIM on Air  |  Artificial Intelligence (AI)

[Podcast] How Will Humanity Survive the AI Revolution?

How will humanity survive the AI revolution? Simple—we become superhuman. That is the subject of our new AIIM On Air interview with author and researcher Alex Bates.

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Blog Feature

Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

Successful Information Management: What's Standing in Your Way?

One would think that the rapid pace of changing technology is the primary struggle for organizations on their journey to transforming into a truly digital organization. However, based on our recent state of the intelligent information management industry research, that is simply not the case. At the top of the list of true obstacles that organizations face is money – "lack of budget and resources" (26%). This is followed by a "lack of a true strategy for managing information assets" (24%), and "an immature culture" (18%). Here's a look at the data from the research:

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14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.

Blog Feature


Build a Cloud-First Content Management Strategy in Three Simple Steps

Global research and advisory firm, Gartner, predicts that by 2024 more than 45% of IT spending will shift from legacy on-premises solutions to the cloud. Cloud infrastructure spending is expected to jump from $63 billion in 2020 to $81 billion by 2022. The cloud race was well underway in 2020 when COVID reared its unfortunate head and sent businesses still on the cloud adoption starting blocks into a frenzy. Those who had already adopted and implemented a cloud-first strategy sat smugly in the stands. The perks of a cloud-first approach for data management have been well documented: unified, content-services platforms accessed anytime, anywhere by empowered employees leading to improved productivity and reduced operational costs.

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Blog Feature

AIIM on Air  |  Capture and Imaging

[Podcast] Content Integration to Unlock Performance

Our ability to intelligently capture information in an automated and consistent way, share it with teams, customers and partners, and integrate that content into business processes is a core element of Intelligent Information Management. Indeed, this is the “on-ramp” to the process improvements using information to drive organizational performance.

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Blog Feature

AIIM Conference

Revealing the Invisible

As the AIIM team and I put the finishing touches on AIIM21: a galactic digital experience, our attention is laser-focused on the educational content we bring to this year's participants. We take our upskilling and uplifting responsibilities pretty seriously around here, believing that we have an outsized obligation to move the industry and the community up the business value chain. We know that Information Management leaders of the future rely on AIIM for knowledge and insight. In guiding and prepping the event partners and educators, I revisited an article that AIIM21 keynote speaker, Tom Koulopoulos wrote six years ago. Tom is no stranger to AIIM, having presented at our 2015 conference in San Diego. Here's a picture of him from that event: In the article, Tom offers five predictions for business and technology in the twenty years hence. As we welcome him back to the conference keynote stage, let's take a quick trip back in time to revisit Tom's original forecast from 2015.

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Blog Feature

Intelligent Information Management (IIM)

Five Steps to Win the Battle Against Information Chaos in 2021

We surveyed members of the AIIM Community as a part of our yearly look at the state of the industry. The numbers are in— 46% of respondents graded their organizations as poor or needs improvement when it comes to dealing with the rising tide of information chaos. Even more alarming, senior executives feel more confident in their efforts than the reality would suggest. Here's a look at how the AIIM Community self-assessed on how well the strategies for business and technology align in their organization. For fun and visual effect, we've created this 2021 Informational Professionals' report card to present the results.

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Before you leave, grab a copy of our

14 Steps to a Successful ECM Implementation

Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.