The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
Knowledge is power - both in our personal lives and work lives. But, in our organizations, the management of this knowledge is one of the most crucial yet overlooked aspects of workplace progress. When employees fail to get access to the knowledge necessary for completing their tasks, the organization can suffer. In fact, there are many benefits to using a practice called Knowledge Management to purposefully manage your organization's knowledge assets and ensure access. Today, we'll be exploring an aspect of Knowledge Management called Expertise Location - the idea, in a nutshell, is to manage knowledge by identifying experts on a particular topic and then leveraging that expertise in support of business goals and objectives. Every company has experts on different topics, and Expertise Location is a way to formalize and easily identify and track where to go to leverage this expertise. Ready? Let's jump in!
The practice of Knowledge Management carries many benefits for your organization, including increased efficiency, better decision-making, improved customer service, and more. With these benefits in mind, let’s get into specific knowledge management tactics you can use to maximize the use of your company’s knowledge assets - six steps you can start working through today! Step 1: Determine What you Need to Know Step 2: Categorize Your Knowledge Assets Step 3: Have Clear Corporate Data Security Policies Step 4: Promote Knowledge Sharing Step 5: Secure Valuable Knowledge Step 6: Get the Right Technology
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Quick question: What’s your business’s most prized asset? Is it a tangible asset, like a high-rise building in an upmarket area? Is it owning groundbreaking high-tech tools? What about your inventory, cash, or cash equivalents? In today’s knowledge economy, it's knowledge assets that are vital to a company’s growth. When you think about it, knowledge assets are more important than tangible assets. They can make or break a business. Sadly, many brands ignore knowledge asset management. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using a strategic practice called Knowledge Management to purposefully manage your organization's knowledge assets. Let’s begin:
AIIM on Air | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
The phrase "the art of the possible" can mean different things to different people. For those of us in the information management business, it has come to mean "achieving what we can (possible), rather than what we want (often impossible)." For me, it's an optimistic view of the future rather than a fearful acknowledgment of our challenges and difficulties. The "art" part is where the magic happens; as we allow ourselves to explore the boundaries of what information technology permits us to achieve and how those capabilities move the needle in terms of transformation, innovation, and organizational performance; indeed pushing back those boundaries with a new, more forward-looking approach.
Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
A staple of many Information Technology (IT) policy suites is the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), intended to govern what people working in the organization can and cannot do with the technology we provide them. IIM professionals and consultants push to have these kinds of policies in place, and countless templates and best practices are available on the Internet to use as a starting point if we don't have one already.
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