The AIIM Blog
Keep your finger on the pulse of Intelligent Information Management with industry news, trends, and best practices.
We’ve all been there. We know that our information management technology is getting old, and it needs to be replaced. We can’t integrate to the newest artificial intelligence tools that could help improve the completeness and accuracy of the metadata, nor can we feel confident that we are managing records appropriately, and don’t even get me started on search. Despite these problems that we’re critically aware of, we sometimes find it difficult to get executive buy-in for the projects that are so desperately needed.
AIIM on Air | Information Governance
When I think back to this time last year, I’m shocked by just how different things are since the start of COVID-19. Businesses have gone through major shifts in record time - projects like moving to a remote office environment that often takes months to complete were carried out in just a few days or weeks.
Making an ECM implementation successful requires planning and attention to detail. The best way to create the right solution is to identify organizational goals and priorities. Learn how to manage a successful implementation in our free guide.
Have you noticed how information just keeps popping up all over your business? It’s enough to make you feel like this trying to keep up with it all. You solve one issue, only for another to just pop up: via GIPHY Information has to enter the process from somewhere. And knowing where it comes from can make a difference by allowing you to make certain assumptions about that information: its format, its quality, its state of approval, and so on.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Few announcements in information management have been bigger than Gartner’s article heard round the world that announced the death of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) as we knew it. Michael Woodbridge’s quote gets straight to the point here: “ECM is now dead (kaput, finite, an ex-market name), at least in how Gartner defines the market. It’s been replaced by the term content services, a strategic concept that covers three aspects, namely content services Applications, Platforms and Components.” Since this article was published in 2017, the Information Management industry exploded with new questions, like, Is ECM really dead? What’s this content services thing? It turns out, the story is just a little more complicated than one technology being replaced by another.
Content Services | Enterprise Content Management (ECM) | Intelligent Information Management (IIM)
In recent years, nothing has sparked more controversy in the information management industry than the 2017 Gartner post officially retiring the term “Enterprise Content Management (ECM)” in favor of a new term, content services. Here at AIIM, we’ve been providing independent research, educational training, and certification for over 70 years. For a good majority of that time, the focus has been on ECM and the practices associated with ECM to capture, store, manage, and preserve information. Heck, we even standardized the term Enterprise Content Management way back in the early 2000s, so in a lot of ways, AIIM is uniquely positioned to help clarify some of the confusion that may still remain.
AIIM on Air | Accounting and Finance | Paperless Office
There may be no other industry that could benefit more from automation than the mortgage banking industry. This industry is full of time-consuming, error-prone, and paper and labor-intensive processes, all perfectly-suited for automation. And with huge volumes of loans being generated each year (nearly 5 million new consumer mortgages alone), it may soon become impossible to move forward without the use of automation.